跟踪者Stalker 第82期:布朗夫人的婚姻(在线收听

 I knew Kenneth was an angry bastard, but this wasone step too far. 我知道肯尼斯那混蛋气疯了,但这太过分了

Can you relay the events that led to the restraining order?  你还记得是因为哪些事才去申请限制令的吗
Ask detective Lawrence. She knows all of this. She's handling my case. 你可以问问劳伦斯警探,她都知道。我的案子都是她负责的
I understand, but sometimes new details can surface from our memory. 我明白,但有时候本人的记忆能够浮现出新的细节
It started with harassing phone calls, and then he accosted me in a restaurant one night. 最开始是骚扰电话,然后有一天他在餐厅和我搭讪
He wanted to borrow money, and I said no, and he triedto strangle me. 想要和我借钱,我拒绝了,他就想掐死我
They had to pry him off me.  后来被人使劲拉开
Is that when you called TAU? Tell me about your marriage.  于是你就向威胁评估部门求助了?请说说你的婚姻
Kenneth and I were married for 15 years.  我和肯尼斯结婚十五年
It was a good marriage, wasn't perfect, but it worked for a long time. We loved each other. 本来挺好的,虽然不完美,但也算维持了很久。我们彼此相爱
Why'd you get divorced?  你们为什么离婚
People grow apart.  我们渐行渐远
His eyes started to wander to younger women.  他开始流连那些年轻的小姑娘
He cheated, and once the trust is gone, so is the marriage. 然后就是出轨,信任一旦没有了,婚姻也无法继续
I understand Kenneth is very unhappy.  我知道肯尼斯很生气
I got what we agreed to in the prenup, and now he wants to ruin me with my work, my friends. 按照婚前协定,我拿了应得的资产,现在他却想毁了我的工作,我的朋友
He's making a mockery of me.  他在戏弄我
Mrs. Brown, what's the significance of the song that was playing?  布朗夫人,那首歌有什么特别的含义吗
It was the song we danced to on our first date. It's been our song ever since. 是我们第一次约会时跳舞的曲子。后来就成了我们的歌
Do you think that there's a part of your ex-husband that still loves you? 你觉得你前夫是不是对你还存有一丝爱意
No. Our loveis dead, detective.  不,我们的爱早就没有了,警探
He hates me now, and that's just fine. Just want him to leave me alone. 他恨透了我,没关系。但我只希望他别来纠缠我
We'll talk to him.  我们会去和他谈的
I filed the report and got a restraining order. Can't you just arrest him? 我提交过报告,拿到了限制令。你们不能直接逮捕他吗
We know this is scary for you.  我们知道你很害怕
No. Actually, I'm frustrated,  不,实际上我非常沮丧
and, yes, I'm scared because I know Kenneth, and he has a temper, and he resents me. 我害怕是因为我熟悉肯尼斯的为人,他脾气不好,还很恨我
He's not gonna stop.  他是不会就此罢休的