跟踪者Stalker 第169期:多年的恩怨(在线收听

 Scott and I were hot and heavy in high school.  斯考特和我高中时感情很好很甜蜜

After he left for college, I could tell he was losing interest. 他去上大学之后,我能感觉到他失去了兴趣
It was home coming. Scott was back, and were partying at the botanical gardens. 返校节的时候,斯考特回来了,在植物园一起参加派对
He was bragging about some deal he signed with a minor league team. 他一直在吹嘘自己和某个小联盟球队签下的协议
He kept flirting with Cori and Meg. I was so jealous. 他一直跟科妮和梅格调情。我很吃醋
I couldn't stand the thought of losing him.  我无法忍受失去他的感觉
It was late. Cori and Meg, they kept hanging around.  当时很晚了,科妮和梅格还留在那里
I mean, they were in awe of Scott. We were all in awe of him, you know? 他们特别崇拜斯考特。我们都很崇拜他,你懂吗
He said to me that they were asking for it and that he was gonna give it to them. 他跟我说,是她们自己想要,而他决定满足她们
Then Scott and Meg were making out. He was groping her. 然后斯考特和梅格就亲热起来。他在猥亵她
She said, "no," but he forced her down. 她说"不",但他强迫了她
And the Cori tried to run. And I grabbed her, and I held her down until he could finish. 科妮曾试图逃跑。我抓住了她,按住了她,直到他完事
That explains the nails in your hands. She wanted you to feel her pain. 怪不得你的手会被钉在墙上。她想要你感受她的痛苦
You stood there, watched, did nothing. That's why Cori burned your eyes. 你站在那里看着,袖手旁观。所以科妮灼伤了你的眼睛
I didn't know what else to do. I loved him so much. I still do. 我不知道还能做什么,我太爱他了。现在还是。