美国语文第六册 第133期:哲学家(4)(在线收听

 The old gentleman had a learned passion for folios. 这位老绅士对对开的纸怀有一种源于学术的酷爱。

He had been a long time urging Meriwether to make some additions to his collections of literature, 长久以来,他一直敦请梅瑞维特为他的文学藏书增添一些类别,
and descanted upon the value of some of the ancient authors as foundations, both moral and physical, to the library. 使他以古代作者为主的有关道德和探讨自然规律的藏书能扩展成一个图书馆。
Frank gave way to the argument, partly to gratify the parson, and partly from the proposition itself having a smack that touched his fancy. 弗兰克在辩论中退让,部分原因在于想让教区长高兴,部分原因源于论题本身恰好妨碍他的想象力。
The matter was therefore committed entirely to Mr. Chub, who forthwith set out on a voyage of exploration to the north. 因此,这件事情完全委托给查伯先生,他即刻启程赴北方进行考察旅行。
I believe he got as far as Boston. 我相信他最远也就是到波士顿而已。
He certainly contrived to execute his commission with a curious felicity. 他肯定怀有一种奇妙的幸福感,极力完成他的使命。
Some famous Elzevirs were picked up, and many other antiques that nobody but Mr. Chub would ever think of opening. 他挑选了一些著名的埃尔塞维尔版的古籍,许多其他古籍除了查伯先生外根本没有别人有翻阅的念头。
The cargo arrived at Swallow Burn in the dead of winter. 在隆冬季节,这批古籍运至“雨燕谷仓”。
During the interval between the parson's return from his expedition and the coming of the books, 在教区长考察归来和这批古书运抵此地的间隔期,
the reverend little schoolmaster was in a remarkably unquiet state of body, which almost prevented him from sleeping: 那位备受尊敬身材矮小的校长明显感到不安,几乎令他睡不着觉:
and it is said that the sight of the long-expected treasures had the happiest effect upon him. 据说那些渴望已久的宝物,对他产生了最愉快的影响。