向前一步:第199期 让我们开始讨论吧(5)(在线收听

 Within traditional institutions, success has often been contingent upon a woman not speaking out but fitting in, or more colloquially, being "one of the guys." 在许多传统机构里,女性偶尔取得成功并不是因为她们敢于表达自己的意见,而是因为她们懂得如何融入环境,更通俗地讲,是因为她们已成为男性的“好哥们儿之一”。

One veteran banking executive told me that she wore her hair in a bun for ten years because she did not want anyone to notice she was a woman. 第一个进入商业世界的女性盘了10年发髻,因为她不想让任何人注意到她是女人。
While styles have relaxed, women still worry about sticking out too much. 后来女性在穿着风格上渐渐放松了,但仍然会担心自己的外表太引人注意。
I know an engineer at a tech start-up who removes her earrings before going to work so coworkers won't be reminded that she is — shhh! — not a man. 我认识一位女性,她在一家刚创立的科技公司做工程师,每天上班前她都会拿掉耳环,这样同事们就不会注意到她(嘘……)不是一个男人。
Early in my career, my gender was rarely noted (except for the occasional client who wanted to fix me up with his son). 在我事业的早期,很少有人会注意到我的性别(除了偶尔有客户想撮合我和他的儿子),
Manly suits were no longer in fashion, and I neither hid nor emphasized femininity. 男性化的职业套装不再流行,我既不会隐藏也不会强调自己的女性特征。
I have never reported directly to a woman — not once in my entire career. 我从来没遇到过一位女性顶头上司——工作这么多年来一直都没有。
There were higher-level women at the places I worked, but I wasn't close enough to see how they dealt with this issue on a daily basis. 我周围当然有许多能力很强的女人,但我没有机会近距离观察她们怎么在日常生活中处理这些问题。
I was never invited to attend a single meeting that discussed gender, and there were no special programs for women that I can recall. 我从来没有受邀参加一个讨论性别问题的会议,也想不起来有什么特别针对女性的项目。
That all seemed fine. We were fitting in, and there was no reason to call attention to ourselves. 一切都看起来都很好,我们努力地适应环境,没有理由让别人注意到自己。