疑犯追踪第1季 第19期:共同点(在线收听

 You have a decision to make. 现在你要下决定了。

The machine gave you another number. 机器又跳出号码了。
The numbers never stop coming. 号码总是源源不断。
You should know that up front. 这你该预先知道。
Why me? 为什么选我?
I've been watching you for a long time, John. 我已经关注你很长时间了,约翰。
We have more in common than you might think. 我们之间的共同点比你想的要多。
The world thinks we're both dead, for starters. 世人以为我们死了,这是其一。
You programmed the machine to delete those irrelevant numbers. 你让这台机器删除无关信息号码。
Now you're trying to save them. 现在又想救他们。
What changed your mind? 你为什么改变了主意?
Let's just say you're not the only one that's lost someone. 这么说吧,不只是你痛失某人。
If you wanna leave, I'll give you enough money to get as far as you need. 如果你要走,我会给你足够的钱跑得远远的。
Disappear. 就此消失。
And if I stay? 要是我留下呢?
Sooner or later both of us'll probably wind up dead. 迟早有一天,我们俩会死掉。
Actually dead this time. 真的死掉。
I said I'd tell you the truth. 我说我会告诉你真相。
Didn't say you'd like it. 但没说你会喜欢这个真相。
Start talking, officer. 老实交代,警官。
You think I'm gonna rat on my friends? 你觉得我会出卖朋友吗?
Please. You can tell the DA all about your crooked pals. 得了,你那些狐朋狗友留着和地检官说吧。
I wanna know about him. 我想知道他的事,
The guy who came after you. 那个追查你们的人。
I don't know anything. 我一无所知。
It was just some guy alone in a suit. 就是个穿着西装的家伙。
Yeah, well, you're gonna tell me everything that you don't know about him and where I can find him. 好吧,那你就告诉我你对那人的一无所知以及在哪里能找到他。