疑犯追踪第1季 第24期:最后一次见到特蕾莎(在线收听

 Nice spot. 风景不错。

This is the last place Theresa Whitaker was seen alive. 最后见到活着的特蕾莎·威德克就是在这。
Two years ago, her father Grant takes the family for a weekend sail. 那是两年前,她父亲格兰特携家人周末乘船出航。
No one comes home. 全家人一去不回。
Grant. He was a real estate developer. 格兰特。他是房地产开发商。
Market crashed. 市场崩盘。
He was upside down on 14 properties. 他的14处地产都赔了本。
According to the police, he shot his wife and kids, then turned the gun on himself. 根据警方记录,他开枪打死了妻子儿女,然后吞枪自杀。
Says here they found the bodies. 这里面说他们的遗体都被找到了。
Just the parents and the 18-year-old son. 只有夫妇和18岁的儿子。
Theresa's body was never recovered. 特蕾莎的遗体一直未被找到。
Uh, "Presumed dead"? 推定死亡?
That's a reasonable assumption. 倒是合理的假设。
The police only see what they choose to look for. 警方只看到他们要找的东西。
The machine sees almost everything. 机器却能看见所有的一切。
If the girl's number has come up, she must be alive. 如果这个女孩的号码出现了,她肯定还活着。
Then why hasn't she shown up by now? 那她为什麽到现在还不露面?
With the police or a relative? 向警方或者家属报到?
I don't know. 不知道。
But if the machine is right and she's still alive, she won't be for long. 但如果机器是对的而且她确实还活着,她也活不久了。
Better find her. 最好找到她。
I'll need a police report on this. 我需要这案子的警方报告。
I'll have to talk to my friend in the department. 我得去跟我在局子里的朋友谈谈了。
Hello, Lionel. 好啊,莱奈尔。
You. Again. 又是你。
How the hell'd you get in here? 你是怎么进来的?
Took it off your friend Stills. 从你好哥们斯蒂尔斯身上顺来的。
The one I shot with your gun, before you buried him out in Oyster Bay, I need you to pull a file for me. 就是被我用你的枪打死的,又被你扔到牡蛎湾里的那位,我要你给我找份文件。
Yeah. Right after you pull my I.A.D.File. 你先把我的内务部档案拿走先。
Cause they got me one step from fighting off, a whole cellblock of degenerates that I sent upstate. 他们揪着我不放,就差把我送去上城区,跟我以前送进去的那堆人渣作伴了。
They think I'm dirty. 他们认为我不干净。
That's because you are dirty, Lionel. 你确实不干净,莱奈尔。
Look, your predicament is not my doing or my concern. 听好,你有困难我不管。
Name's Theresa Whitaker. 给我找特蕾莎·威德克。
Two-year-old murder-suicide out in Bowery Bay. 两年前发生在博瑞湾的谋杀案。
Get me the file. 记得给我档案。