疑犯追踪第1季 第36期:你知道我是谁(在线收听

 Yeah. Carter. 我是卡特。

You been asking a lot of questions about me. 你最近一直在打听我啊。
It's time we sat down face to face. 看来我们得见面好好聊聊了。
Who is this? 你是谁?
You know who. 你知道我是谁。
You want to meet me or not? 你到底想不想谈?
Go. 说。
Wait for my signal. Be careful. 等我的信号。小心点。
This guy's as dangerous as they get. 这家伙危险的很。
Copy that. 收到。
Sweetheart? What are you doing here? 孩子?你在这做什么?
Are you detective Carter? 你是卡特警探吗?
Yes. 是的。
My friend said I could trust you. 我朋友说我可以信任你。
Watch your head, Mr. Calhoun. 小心碰到头,卡霍尔先生。
So you can't tell me anything about how this man looks? 所以那个男人长什么样你没法告诉我?
Hotel staff said they might have seen two people coming and going, 旅店的工作人员说他们好像看到两个人进来了有出去了,
but it's nothing on the surveillance cameras. 但监控录像上没有记录。
Was there anyone else helping you? 有其他人在帮你吗?
It was a pretty traumatic experience. 那种经历实在太可怕了。
I don't remember much at all. 我完全不记得了。