打工姐妹花第二季 第184期:回餐厅找大家帮忙(在线收听

 Oh, good, you're still here. 太好了,你们还在。

Don't anybody leave. Our night just got worse. 大家不许走。我们今晚倒霉透了。
Don't come any closer, super gonorrhea! 别再靠近我了,超级淋病妹!
I'm sorry to say we lied to get off our shift. 对不起,我们为了翘班撒谎了。
But we have to bake 1,000 cupcakes by tomorrow, 但我们得在明天前烤出一千个小蛋糕,
and our oven broke at the shop, and we need to use yours. 但我们店里的烤箱坏了,得借用你的。
You lied to me, and now you want a favor? 你撒谎骗我,现在还要我帮忙啊?
Yes. Han, we know it's a big favor, 是的。阿憨,我们请你帮这个大忙,
and it probably looks even bigger to you, but I'm sure you can see past our lie. 在你眼中可能看起来显得更大,但我相信你会原谅我们的谎。
And if you can't, you can get up on that chair, I could put you on our shoulders... 如果你真不能原谅,那你就起立,我让你坐上我肩头玩...
Long story abnormally short, will you help us? 长话超短说,你愿意帮忙吗?
Well, those 12 short jokes really primed me. 你那无数矮子嘲讽惹到我了。
Fine, you can use the oven and any of the supplies you need. 但好吧,你们用吧,其他东西也都随你们用。
Thank you. We really need to fill this order. 谢谢。小蛋糕真的非做成不可。
I'll stay and help. I also had something to fill, 我留下来帮手吧。我也有些事得"做",
but I'll just text Sophie and tell her I'm working. 但我还是短信苏菲说我在工作吧。
I'll help too. I can't bake, but I can sit and lift the spirits as long as there are spirits. 我也留下帮忙。我不会烤东西,但坐着与鼓舞士气很在行,只要能有酒喝就行了。
It's open bar, right, Han? 无限畅饮对吧,阿憨?
Okay, I'm in too. Earl, make me a sea breeze, easy on the breezy. 好吧,我也加入。厄尔,给我来个海风鸡尾酒,微风就好别太烈。
You know, because of my childhood, 由于我的儿时阴影,
I won't be able to process the fact that you've all just done something nice for me, 我对你们现在留下来帮手的好心举动反应无能,
So if I run into you in ten years and start crying, this is what it's about. 所以如果十年后,我遇见你们时突然大哭,哭的就是现在这一刻。