打工姐妹花第二季 第191期:欢乐做蛋糕(2)(在线收听

 Max, you just got that all over your apron. 麦克斯,你的围裙弄脏了。

I'll wipe it down. Mine's a mess too. 我来帮你擦干净。我的也脏了。
Ooh, pretty slick move. You wanna try for my bra next? 哇,动作真熟练。下次想试试脱我的胸罩吗?
Yeah, baby, I'll take off your bra. 好啊,宝贝,我来帮你脱胸罩。
What the hell was that? 那声音是怎么回事?
What? It's my guy voice. 怎么了?那是我的男声啊。
That's your go-to guy voice? 你学男声就是这样啊?
Is his identity being protected on Dateline? 日界线新闻节目有保护你这变态的身份吗?
Well, what's your guy voice like? 那你的男声是什么样?
I'm doing it right now. 就现在这样啊。
I'm gonna take a quick pee break. 我要快快地去尿个尿。
I don't know, I think you might be making the drinks too strong. 不知道,或许是你调的酒酒劲太强了。
We're not drunk, Oleg, just punchy. 我们没有醉,奥列格,只是神志模糊而已。
I'm just drunk. 我单纯是喝醉了。