疑犯追踪第1季 第109期:幕后黑手是谁(在线收听

 Lawson is heir to the entire Virtanen empire. 劳森是维尔塔宁帝国的继承人。

If Robert Keller ever found out, Lawson would lose everything. 要是被罗伯特·凯勒发现他的私情,劳森将一无所有。
It wouldn't be hard for someone working at a pharmaceutical company to make murder look like natural causes. 既然是在制药企业工作,把谋杀假造成自然死亡绝非难事。
I never thought I'd know the truth about what happened to her. 我没想到还能查清她的事情。
Now I also know the men responsible. 而现在我还知道幕后黑手是谁。
We can stop them from ever giving us another number. 我们可以阻止他们对下个目标动手。
Get out there, and find Ms. Morgan. 行动吧,去找摩根女士。
Every moment we don't have her is a moment that Douglas can get to her. 只要我们还不清楚她的行踪都会被道格拉斯有机可趁。
Well, what are you going to do? 那你又干嘛去?
I have an important business meeting. 我有个重要的商务会谈。
Recent investment of mine. 是我近期的一个投资。
We cleared my schedule for a meeting with a shareholder. 和股东的会见安排好了。
Guy isn't just a shareholder. 这人可不是一般的股东。
Bought 87 million shares in the last 48 hours. 他两天前购进了8700万股。
He now owns 8% of Virtanen stock. 现在持有维尔塔宁8%的股份。
Never heard of this guy.No one has. 我没听过这人啊。没人听过。
May be a straw buyer for a takeover, hostile bid. But, uh...kid gloves. 可能是企图收购的"稻草买家"恶意收购。不过...尽量示好吧。
And we may want to wheel the old man in here for a minute to press the flesh. 我们也许该让老家伙亲自过来迎接以示亲近。
Right this way, sir.Mr. Partridge. 先生,这边请。帕特杰先生。
Mark Lawson. Pleasure to meet you, sir. 我是马克·劳森,很高兴见到你,先生。
Thank you for meeting me on such short notice. 这么急把你请过来,真是不好意思。
I thought I knew everyone with an investment portfolio as broad as yours. 像您这样持有这么多股份的股东我以为我该都认识。
When you're in a position where people want your money, a little anonymity is rather rewarding. 当别人都在觊觎你的钞票时低调可比收益更重要。
From my time in Japan, I've learned never to  go to a business meeting empty-handed. 我从日本回来后,学会了不该空手和人谈生意。