疑犯追踪第1季 第124期:沙利文警探(在线收听

 Detective Sullivan? Sully? It's me, Car...Oh, no. Police! 沙利文警探?老沙?是我,卡...不。警察!

Virtanen CEO Robert Keller is expected to appear in court today alongside CFO and son-in-law, Mark Lawson. 维尔塔宁制药公司总裁罗伯特·凯勒和他的女婿首席财务官,马克·劳森。
To answer charges of fraud, conspiracy, and murder. 因被控欺诈,共谋,谋杀,今天将出庭受审。
Virtanen's migraine drug, Sylocet, Has officially been shelved. 维尔塔宁制药的头痛药,赛洛特,已经正式下架。
Virtanen's competitor, Beecher pharmaceuticals...-You mind turning that off, please? 维尔塔宁的竞争对手,毕彻制药...-能麻烦你关掉么?
Sounds like Beecher got an inside tip. 看来毕彻制药得到了内部消息。
Somebody must have had a big payday. 有人肯定大赚了一笔。
Not as big as you think. 也没你想的那么多。
Dana Miller's family got a healthy donation for their suit against virtanen. 戴娜·米勒的家人因为同维尔塔宁的官司而得到一大笔捐款。
I also heard that lieutenant Gilmore found himself up against some pretty serious corruption charges. 我也听说吉尔默警司发现自己面临严重的贪污指控。
Must have upset someone pretty influential. 肯定是招惹了很有影响力的人。
Eyes on the road, John. 专心开车,约翰。
Ms. Morgan...Stay out of trouble. 摩根女士...别惹麻烦。
Not gonna happen.You've got my number. 这不可能。反正你有我的号码。