乔布斯传 第500期:iTunes(3)(在线收听

 Jobs personally worked with them to transform SoundJam into an Apple product. 乔布斯亲自上阵,和他们三人合作,把SoundJam变成了苹果产品。

It was laden with all sorts of features, and consequently a lot of complex screens. 它的功能太多,导致屏幕显示也很复杂。
Jobs pushed them to make it simpler and more fun. 乔布斯要求他们必须把软件改得更加简单有趣。
Instead of an interface that made you specify whether you were searching for an artist, song, or album, 之前的界面是用户可以按照歌手、歌曲名或是专辑名进行搜索,
Jobs insisted on a simple box where you could type in anything you wanted. 但是乔布斯坚持把它改成了一个简单的输入框,你可以直接输入任何你想捜索的信息。
From iMovie the team adopted the sleek brushed-metal look and also a name. They dubbed it iTunes. 从iMovie开始,团队把这个系列的软件界面改成了统一的拉丝金属风格的外框,并给音乐软件取了名字--iTunes。
Jobs unveiled iTunes at the January 2001 Macworld as part of the digital hub strategy. 作为数字屮枢战略的一部分,乔布斯在2001年1月的Macworld大会上发布了iTunes 。
It would be free to all Mac users, he announced. 他宣布,所有苹果机用户都可以免费使用该软件。
"Join the music revolution with iTunes, “和iTunes一起加入音乐革命吧,
and make your music devices ten times more valuable," he concluded to great applause. 它可以把你的音乐设备的价值增加十倍!”他的结束语引发了热烈掌声。
As his advertising slogan would later put it: Rip. Mix. Burn. 随后,iTunes的广告语也出来了:“扒歌,混制,刻录。”
That afternoon Jobs happened to be meeting with John Markoff of the New York Times. 就在那天下午,乔布斯和《纽约时报》的约翰·马尔科夫见面。
The interview was going badly, but at the end Jobs sat down at his Mac and showed off iTunes. 采访进行得很不顺利,但是最后乔布斯坐在他的Mac电脑前展示iTunes。
"It reminds me of my youth," he said as the psychedelic patterns danced on the screen. “它让我想起了我的年轻时代。”当屏暮上出现了迷幻风格的屏保时,他这样说道。
That led him to reminisce about dropping acid. 这让他想起了曾经服用迷幻药的时候。
Taking LSD was one of the two or three most important things he'd done in his life, Jobs told Markoff. 乔布斯对马尔科夫说,服用迷幻药是他这辈子做过的两三件最重要的事之一。
People who had never taken acid would never fully understand him. 没有这种经历的人永远也不可能完全理解他。