疑犯追踪第4季 第248期:各司其职(在线收听

 The laptop melted? 电脑烧毁了?

Some kind of a self-destruct mechanism that I've never seen before. 应该是某种自毁装置,我以前从没见过。
Can you reconstruct the data? 数据能恢复吗?
This isn't a computer anymore. It's 4 pounds of plastic and silicon. 电脑已经完全废了。就是一堆废铜烂铁。
We have to find Yasin Said. 必须找出亚辛·赛义德。
Hang on, I got something.Hang on... 等等,有线索了。稍等...
Freight shipping schedules for trains leaving Detroit. He's flagged these three to Toronto tonight. 离开底特律的集装箱火车时间表。他圈出了三个今晚开往多伦多的班次。
Yasin may be about to hop a freight train for Canada. 亚辛可能会搭货车去加拿大。
When's the next train?Three hours. 下一班是几点?  三小时后。
Report back to me every 30 minutes. 每半小时向我汇报。
But we're due back this afternoon for a mandatory supply turn-in. 但我们今天下午要归队了,强制性供给归还。
Excuse me?We just got reassigned. 什么?  我们刚被安排了新任务。
Reassigned? By whom? You think you can interfere with my operations? 新任务?谁安排的?  你敢干预我的行动?
Of course not. You do your job, I do mine. 当然不敢。我们各司其职。
Oh? Does your job include spying on me? 是吗?你的工作还包括监视我吗?
Little paranoid there. Is there something you're trying to hide? Will that be all? 有点偏执啊。你想要隐瞒什么吗?还有事吗?
Call in my personal security detail. Mike, what's up? 把我的私人保安队叫来。迈克,怎么了?
Do I need to brief the President about this terrorist on the loose? 我需要向总统汇报下那位在逃恐怖分子的情况吗?
Who told you that? 是谁告诉你的?
Who told you you were allowed to keep secrets from me?We're having a bad enough day. If there's a problem in Detroit, the White House has to get out in front of it. 是谁告诉你可以对我有所隐瞒的? 今天已经够糟了。如果在底特律有了麻烦,白宫就得出面。
There is a problem in Detroit, and no one is ever gonna hear about it. 在底特律确实有麻烦,但不会有人知道的。
Yeah, I hope not, for your sake. 是啊,为你着想,最好不要。