疑犯追踪第4季 第254期:撒马利亚人(在线收听

 Me and you need to have a little talk. 我们得好好聊聊了。

Hello, ladies. 你们好啊,女士们。
You don't look so good. 你情况不妙啊。
If you better understood Samaritan, you would know it employs a private army to do its bidding...that it communicates with them on a private, encrypted phone network. 如果你了解撒马利亚人,就会知道它雇佣了私人军队为它效劳...他们的交流是通过私人加密的电话线路进行的。
You would suspect they would employ at least one of them as a spy in your own organization. 你就会怀疑他们至少会派一个人作为间谍潜入你的组织。
You might even assume that spy to be among the agents coming here to save you now, 你甚至会想那个间谍可能就是现在来救你的其中一人,
holding his private, encrypted network phone, and you would know that that's exactly why I'm here. 拿着他私人加密的电话,你就会知道为什么我在这里了。
Talk to me, Crimson. I'm blind here. Does anybody have eyes on the target?Yeah, I do. 汇报情况,深红。我完全不了解情况。有人看到目标了吗?看到了。
Another thing, the Red Wings suck. (红翼队是底特律的国家冰球联盟成员)还有一件事,红翼队糟透了。
You realize he's not from Detroit. 你知道他不是底特律人吧。
Still had to be said. 哥是不吐槽会死星人。
You okay, Root? 你还好吗,根?