
 As a researcher, I usually don't get to work with patients. 作为一名研究者,我通常很少与病人接触。

But I recently met a mother who is an ovarian cancer survivor, Mimi, and her daughter, Paige. 但最近我遇到了一位母亲,她叫咪咪,是一名卵巢癌幸存者,她有个女儿叫佩吉。
I was deeply inspired by the optimism and strength that both mother and daughter displayed and by their story of courage and support. 我深深地被她们母女俩表现出来的乐观和坚强,勇气和相互支持打动了。
At this event, we spoke about the different technologies directed at cancer. 我们聊到了用于治疗癌症的科技手段。
And Mimi was in tears as she explained how learning about these efforts gives her hope for future generations, including her own daughter. 咪咪听得流泪了,她说,了解到目前取得的这些成就,让她看到了下一代人(不受癌症折磨)的希望,其中包括她的女儿。
This really touched me. It's not just about building really elegant science. 这让我很是感慨。我们所做的不仅仅是建立一门优秀的科学。
It's about changing people's lives. 而是在改变人的命运。
It's about understanding the power of engineering on the scale of molecules. 是要了解分子工程学强大的力量。
I know that as students like Paige move forward in their careers, 我坚信,随着像佩吉这样的学生沿着这条道路不断前进,
they'll open new possibilities in addressing some of the big health problems in the world 他们一定能打开一片新天地,解决当今世界最大的健康问题,
including ovarian cancer, neurological disorders, infectious disease 包括卵巢癌,神经系统疾病,传染病,
just as chemical engineering has found a way to open doors for me, 就如同化学基因改造已经为我指明了一条道路,
and has provided a way of engineering on the tiniest scale, that of molecules, to heal on the human scale. Thank you. 提供了一种基因改造的方法,让我们可以从小小的分子入手,解决人类健康这个大问题。谢谢大家。