《摩登家庭》第1季第1集 第14期:运动员式的撞胸(在线收听

 Oh, God. 天啊

Okay, I'm gonna go get Lily ready. Okay. 我去给莉莉打扮一下  好
And I want you to just come straight out with All right. 我要你对他们实话实说  好吧
Okay. You can do this. 听话  你能做到的
Yeah. Sports guy chest bump. 来个运动员式的撞胸
No.  Sports guy chest bump. 不要  来撞一个
Cam. Oh! All right. Go - Do it. 小卡  好了  上吧
Sorry. 抱歉
How are you?  Hi, guys. Hey. 你好啊  大家好啊
That looks good. Oh, thank you. Thanks. 看起来很美味啊  谢谢
Don't thank us. Open it. Dad is coming right behind. 不用谢  打开吧  爸爸后脚马上就到
Knock, knock! We're here. Coming in! 有人吗  我们要进来了
Don't worry, Dad. Nothing gay going on here. 别担心爸爸  我们没在里面搞基
May I take your multicolored coat and bejeweled cap? 能帮你脱下这缤纷外套和闪亮小帽吗
Yeah. Yeah.  Hey, Jay. 拿去吧  杰你好啊
Gloria, hi. Hi. 你好  歌洛莉亚  你好
How are you? Hi, Dad.  Hi, Gloria. How are you? 老爸你还好吗  歌洛莉亚  你好
Oh, what a beautiful dress.  Ay, thank you, Phil. 裙子真漂亮  谢谢你  菲尔
Okay. 好吧  
Oh, hey, Phil. 菲尔
That's how she says "Phil." Not "Feel." Phil. 她是叫你名字  不是要你去摸
So how was your trip?  It was good. It was good actually. 旅行怎么样  挺好的  真的  
But, um, about that, I- I 关于这事
have something that I need to tell you guys. 我有些事要告诉你们
Um- Uh, we didn't just go to Vietnam for pleasure. 我们去越南不光是为了旅游
We, uh, kind of have some big news. 我们有重要消息宣布
Oh, God. If Cam comes out here with boobs, I'm leaving. 天啊  要是小卡隆了胸  我立马走人
Dad.  I hope he didn't embarrass you, Mom. 爸爸  我希望你的家长没让你觉得丢人  妈
Oh, don't mind her. Haley had her first boy over today... 别管她  海莉今天首次带男生回家
And Phil shot him. 菲尔就给了他一枪