《摩登家庭》第1季第2集 第6期:不守规矩的孩子(在线收听

 10 minutes after making a promise to me, 对我做出承诺才10分钟

He leaves his bike unlocked. 他就没锁单车 扔一边了
All I can hear is claire's voice in my head... Claire的声音开始在我脑里嗡嗡作响...
"he's not responsible. "他没有责任感
You never should have given him a bike." 你就不该给他买新单车"
I know. I do a pretty good claire. 我知道 我模仿Claire超棒的
So I decided to teach him a lesson 我决定给他上一课
And let him think his bike was stolen. 让他认为车被偷了
Now,I know that sounds kind of rough, 我知道这不好
But sometimes it's a dad's job to be the tough guy. 但有时候你就得做个"坏"老爸
Excuse me. Thank you. 请让一下 谢谢
On your left. My left,your right. 你左边请让下 是我左边 你右边 
Everyone,we have a new family joining us today. 大家过来 我们欢迎新加入的一家
I'm,uh,I'm mitchell,and I am a lawyer. 我叫Mitchell 是个律师
I-I'm cameron,and I'm currently not working, 我叫Cameron 目前失业中
Which gives me more time to grill 这给了我们更多时间一起烧烤
And shoot baskets and... 打篮球 还有...
And this is lily. 这位是Lily
Okay,we're gonna start with the hello dance, 我们准备以"招呼舞"开始
And then we're gonna move on to blocks and finger painting, 接着涂涂方块和手指
And then we're gonna do our family dance. 最后跳家庭舞
All right,who wants to start us off? 怎样 谁想起个头?
Dance us in,p.J.! 跳起来吧 P.J.!