《摩登家庭》第1季第4集 第2期:精神升华(在线收听

 Mom...Mom, what are you doing to her legs? 妈妈 你干吗这样弄她的脚

Tai chi.I did it every day in sedona. 这是太极 我在Sedona每天都做
Cameron,you should try it. Cameron 你应该试试
Mitchell's mother has a problem...With me. Mitchell的妈妈对我...有点不满
Last christmas,for example, 举个例子 去年圣诞节
She gave me a piece of exercise equipment And a lettuce dryer. 她送给我一台健身器和一个生菜滤水器
So, to recap, 所以作为回礼
I gave her a gorgeous pair of diamond earrings, 我送了她一对上等的钻石耳环
And she gave me a hint. 然后她给了我一个暗示
And living in sedona has been transformational. 在Sedona生活可以让我精神升华
I get up every morning, and I go to a vortex meditation site 我每天早上起床 去协波冥想点
And work with a shaman to finally understand How to live my spirituality. 和一个萨满法师一起思考如何让感知自己的灵性
And I've learned that the only way I can move to the next level of my awakening 我发现唯一能够让我更进一步觉醒的方法
Is if we all can somehow get past...The incident. 就是我们能够不计前嫌...我是说过去的意外
Oh, no. 不会吧
The incident.Oh, boy. 过去的意外 天啊
I would like to congratulate jay and the lovely gloria. 我要恭喜Jay和可爱的Gloria
I'm very happy for them. 我为他们高兴