《摩登家庭》第1季第4集 第12期:从棺材里跳出来(在线收听

 Hey, dad. 你好 爸爸

Mitchell,what are you doing here? Mitchell 有事吗
Uh, I'm sorry to bother you. 抱歉打搅你
Uh, could i talk to you and gloria for a second? 可以和你跟Gloria谈谈吗
Oh, she's out dealing with a manny situation. 她出去解决Manny惹的麻烦了
He set a kid's bike on fire. why? 他把一个孩子的自行车点着了 为什么
Oh, i might have told him to get even with some kids, 可能是因为我告诉他 要学会回应别人的玩笑
and he went all rambo with it. 他就用了兰博式的激进法
Not my best parenting moment. 这次我教育方法不如以往了
Not your worst. 不是你最差的一次
What's up? 找我什么事
Uh, well, you know, mom's in town. 你知道吗 妈妈来了
Your mom? 你妈妈?
No. no, your mom. she's back from the grave. 不是 是你妈妈 她从棺材里出来了
Yes.yes, my mom,. 其实是我妈妈
My mom would be less scary. 我妈妈应该没有这么吓人
listen, she's a wreck about what happened at the wedding, 她对于婚礼上的意外很抱歉
and she wants to come to dinner tonight to apologize to everyone. 她想参加今晚的聚会 向所有人道歉
Still her little errand boy,i see. 还是派她的小跑腿来 我明白了
No. why does everybody keep say-- no. 不是的 为什么每个人都这么说 不对
I -- i'm just trying to piece this family back together. 我...只是想让这个家完整
so you'll talk to gloria about mom coming to dinner? 那么你会和Gloria说妈妈参加聚会吗
Oh, gloria would never go for that in a million years. Gloria绝不会同意的
She's still furious with your mother, 她仍然很生气
which is why i'm not talking to you. 所以我不和你说话
What did i do? 我做错什么了
this conversation never took place. 这次谈话没有发生过
Well, that's not very nice. i drove all the way here. 这可不太好啊 我可是开车大老远过来的啊
No, you didn't.you were neverere. in fact, you never even called. 不 你没有来过 而且你也没有打过电话
I would have called,but i hought it would be better to talk about th-- 我本想打电话的 我以为过来会...
what -- what's happening here? 这到底怎么回事
listen... 听着
I would love to get this thing behind us, 我很希望让这件事情就此过去