《摩登家庭》第1季第4集 第16期:小孩子的一见钟情(在线收听

 You know, it's funny. The first time I saw haley, I knew I liked her. 你知道吗 其实很有趣 我对Haley是一见钟情

I mean, she's beautiful and everything, 我的意思是 她很漂亮
but it's --it's not just that. 但是...不止这样
It's that she's gotthis killer confidence -- 她有一种特有的自信
You know,the kind of confidence that you get from having a family like this, 一种从大家庭中带来的自信
that's passionate and accepting of hot foreigners 充满激情 能够接纳性感的外国人
you know, a family that actually loves each other. 一个爱着彼此的大家庭
I can't believe i'm gonna say this, 我不敢相信我会这么说
but maybe we should let her go with him. 但是也许我们应该让他们去演唱会
He's perfect. 他太完美了
Everybody, haley says that dylan is a musician, 各位 Haley说Dylan是一位音乐家
and he writes some great songs. 他写的歌很棒
Yesh play something, bro. 是的 来一首
Well, I guess so, if you want me to. 好的 如果你们想听的话
We could all use a nice tune right now. 我们正需要美妙的音乐调节气氛
This is actually a song i wrote for haley. 事实上 这首歌是写给Haley的
It's called "in the moonlight." 歌名叫做"月光下"
Lovely title, dylan. 名字很好听 Dylan
Thanks. 谢谢