《摩登家庭》第1季第5集 第7期:互相掐架的家庭(在线收听

Hold on, jay. 等等 Jay

Uh, i think we should address the elephant in the room. 我看我们还是打开天窗说亮话的好

Uh, luke, manny... 来 Luke Manny

bring it in. 来吧

Come on. Huddle up. Football. 来 列队 俺用的橄榄球术语

Now, uh, in light of what happened at school today, 关于今天在学校发生的事情

If you have any feelings you'd like to express, 你们有什么想法要说的

I think this is the proper forum 现在都可以趁这个机会

To do just that.For god's sake. All right, both of you. 好好说出来  看在老天份上 过来 你们两个

Now, in this family, do we kick and punch each other, 在这个家庭里 我们是应该互相掐架

Or do we love each other? 还是团结友爱?

Love each other. 团结友爱

That's right. 这就对了

I'll be in the den. 我到客厅去了

So... 对了

i brought dessert. 我带甜点来了

Okay. Thank you. 好吧 谢谢你

I make pie, too. 我也做了派了

You can never have too many pies, right? 派可不嫌多的 哦?

Okay. Whoa. Whoa. 好了 好了

Everybody, take a deep breath. 大家深呼吸

Let's think about getting real. 想想眼前的事情

Phil, no. Phil 别这样

Why "phil, no"? What is phil doing? 什么叫"Phil 别这样" 他要干什么?

I'm just gonna say it -- 我只是想说

There's tension between you two. Bam! It's out there. 你们俩之间关系有点紧张 砰 气场要伤及无辜路人了

I'm gonna kill you. 我要杀了

I think he's right. 我觉得他说得有道理

And i think we should talk about it. 我想我们是该谈谈

That's what i'm talkin' 'bout -- 我就说嘛

You two talking... 你们两个好好...

'bout it. 谈谈
