《摩登家庭》第1季第5集 第9期:感觉不受欢迎(在线收听

 Maybe they, uh, they should have considered blitzing. 也许他们应该考虑让追踪拦截战术

Blitzing wouldn't have helped them. Get out of here. 那顶个屁用 你别在这儿碍事
Oh, gosh. Blitzing. 天哪 追踪拦截
So, my interest in football ended as suddenly and dramatically 我对橄榄球的激情瞬间消失
As the climax of "west side story." 就像"西区故事"的高潮部分一样
I'm a musical-Theater fan. 我是音乐剧迷
Surprise! 意外哈?
Okay, the truth? 说实话么
I sometimes feel like you don't like me. 我觉得有时候你讨厌我
Powerful, powerful stuff. 说得好 很有力
Claire, tell us how that makes you feel. Claire 告诉我们你的感受
Okay, right now, i'm feeling a lot of anger. 好吧 我现在觉得相当愤怒
No, no. Don't tell me, tell her. 别跟我说 跟她说啊
Gloria, right now, I'm really angry at phil. Gloria 现在我非常生Phil的气
Uh, let's respect the process. 咱还是回到正题吧
Gloria, I don't know why you think I don't like you. Gloria 我不知道你怎么会觉得我不喜欢你
Well, sometimes when you see me, you make that face. 你有时候看我会摆出那种表情
What face?Like this. 什么表情 就像这样
I do not make a face like that.Oh, my god. 我根本就不会这样 我的天啊
That is so claire. Mitchell! 这简直太像Claire的臭脸了 Mitchell
See? She does that with everyone. 你看 她对所有人都是这张臭脸
It's just her face. 她天生就这样
No, it's not just the face. 不只是表情
From the beginning, I feel like manny and I are not welcome in this family. 我从一开始就觉得 我和Manny不被这个家所接受
That is so crazy! 你的想法太疯狂了
No, it's not so crazy. It's how I feel. 这一点也不疯狂 这是我所感觉到的