《摩登家庭》第1季第6集 第13期:要让孩子信任我们(在线收听

 I'm from denver. 我来自丹佛

We don't have a lot of...Pho there. 那儿可没有"福"什么的
Just to be sure, 确认一下
Could you show me how hard lily got hit? 你能给我看看Lily是怎么撞到的吗?
And u-- use your head. 就用你的头吧
Oh,yeah,so,I mean, really,it was... 好 
It was just sort of like,um... 就像这样...
Could I see that again? 我能再看一次吗?
Um,it was just -- just a head bump,you know? 就是撞了下头
How are you feeling? 你感觉怎样?
Uh,fine. 没事啊
So is lily. Lily也一样的
Babies are designed to survive new parents. 宝宝能很好地适应新家长的
So stop worrying. You guys are doing great. 别担心了 你们做得很好呢
Thank you. 谢谢你
Denver. 我是丹佛人
I don't see any ponchos, 我看不到有人穿斗篷啊
Which means either the kids don't wear them 说明要么他们根本不穿
or the ones who do wear them disappear. 要么穿的人都神秘消失了
We're doing the right thing. 我们做的是对滴
I support manny no matter what. 我无条件支持Manny
children need to know that you believe in them. 要让孩子们知道你信任他们
It's the most important thing. 这是最紧要滴