打工姐妹花第二季 第192期:寻找耳环(在线收听

 It was so nice of everyone to stay that long. 大家能留下来陪我们到这么晚真好。

Everything's baked except for those. We've gonna make it, Max. 除了这些,其他的都烤好了。我们能搞定的,麦克斯。
Andy sent me a cat and a dolphin kissing. 安迪发给我一张猫咪和海豚的接吻照。
I hope they go all the way. I'm dying to see their baby. A cat-dolphin? Yes! 希望它们不只接吻,我好想看它们爱的结晶。猫豚?棒呆了!
I don't think that's healthy. 我觉得这样不好吧。
Well, if they're in love, it's really none of your business. 如果真的相爱,那关你屁事啊。
Why are you texting him in the middle of the night? 为什么大半夜你还给他发短信啊?
In fact, why is he still up? Is he talking about me? 老实说,为什么他还没睡?他是不是在打听我啊?
You look upset. Do you want me to stop texting him? 你看起来不爽。你要我别跟他发短信吗?
No. It's fine. It's just I'm tired and we're almost finished, and I just wanna go home. 不用。没关系。只是我累了,活也差不多干完了,我现在只想回家。
Got it. I'm so hot. Let me just get this hair off my neck. 收到。我热死了。等我先把头发扎起来。
Max, why are you wearing only one earring? 麦克斯,为什么你今天只戴一只耳环?
What are you talking about? I'm wearing two. 你瞎说什么?我明明戴的是两只。
That's weird. Where is it? Is it in my hair? 奇了怪了。还有一只呢?是不是在我头发里?
No, no. Did it fall down? 没有啊。是不是掉下来了?
Yeah, check your boobs. That's where you found the remote. 快检查下你的咪咪。上次遥控器就是在那发现的。
It's not... it's not anywhere on me. 不在。不在我身上。
Well, when's the last time you saw it? 你最后一次看见它是什么时候?
I don't know, but it couldn't have gone far. I was in this area pretty much the whole night. 我不知道,但肯定在这附近。我几乎一整晚都在这里。
You mean over the batter? 你是说在面粉糊上方吗?