打工姐妹花第二季 第193期:寻找耳环(2)(在线收听

 No, no, no. Nothing, nothing, nothing! 没有,没有。没发现,没发现!

No, no, no, no. Nothing, nothing, nothing! 没有,没有。没发现,没发现!
No, no, no, no, no! Nothing, nothing, no! 没有,没有。没发现,没发现!
It's not here, which means it's in one of those already-baked cupcakes. 不在这里,那就意味着那只耳环在其中一个做好的小蛋糕里。
Let's go. We have to start pulling these apart. 来吧。我们得开始逐个掰开找。
Really? Come on, don't be ridiculous. 来真的啊?拜托,别小题大作嘛。
Look, worst-case scenario, one of the 1,000 cupcakes has an earring in it. 最坏的情况不过也是在一千个小蛋糕中有一个里面有只耳环。
We'll tell them it's a surprise. 跟客人说是惊喜礼物就好啦。
No, the worst-case scenario is someone bites into it, rips their lip open, and sues us. 不行,最坏的情况是有人吃到那个小蛋糕,把嘴唇弄破了,然后把我们告上法庭。
Let them sue us. We don't have any money. 随便他们告。反正我们没钱赔。
And that's why we'll go to jail. 所以我们就会进监狱。
Yep, I'll be locked up raw and forced to be someone's girlfriend. 没错,我会被关进大牢,然后被迫做别人的女玩物。
I mean, I'm a bad girlfriend out of prison. 我在监狱外已经是个坏女友了。
It's not gonna be any easier with big joan. 跟监狱大姐大在一起能好过吗。
Calm down. If we go to prison, I'll be your girlfriend. 淡定。如果我们进监狱,我来做你的女友。
Until someone hotter comes along, 'cause that's the way it goes in prison. 直到有更性感的妞进来取代我,监狱里都是这样。
Start looking. I am not going to smash 900 cupcakes. 开始找吧。我才不要捏烂我辛苦做的九百个小蛋糕。
Then we'll just have to start over. 那我们只好全部重做啦。
Oh, no, I would rather hitch a ride west and become a sister-wife. 不要,我宁愿搭个顺风车去西部,然后跟别的女人共事一夫。
This is crazy. Can't I just text them and tell them we can't do the job? 这太疯狂了。就不能发短信告诉他们这活我们干不了吗?
No, you can't text them. We need the money. 不,你不能这样做。我们需要这笔钱。