打工姐妹花第二季 第194期:大打出手(在线收听

 And stop with all the texting. 别老发什么破短信了。

Maybe if you were thinking less about texting with my ex-boyfriend, 或许如果你不是整天想着跟我的前男友发短信,
you wouldn't have lost your earring in the first place. 你就不会弄丢你的耳环。
You should have just said it. You have a problem with me texting Andy. 这话你早就该说了。你不爽我跟安迪发短信。
I do not have a problem with it! 我才没有不爽!
Oh, good, 'cause he's my friend too. 很好,因为他也是我的朋友。
You'd think your loyalty to your best friend 你不觉得你对最好朋友
and business partner would be more important than some stupid animal friendship! 和生意伙伴的忠诚度要比那些白痴的动物友情重要得多吗?
I mean... I'm surprised I even have to tell you that, Max. It's kind of girl code. 我是说...我真吃惊这种话得我亲自说出口,麦克斯。这可是"闺蜜法则"。
Oh, I am way to tired to hear "girl code." Shut it down. 老娘太累,不想听什么狗屁"闺蜜法则"。别说了。
Girl code, Max. Girl code. 闺蜜法则,麦克斯。闺蜜法则。
Shut up, Caroline. Shut up! 闭嘴,卡洛琳。闭嘴!
I'm not even gonna dignify that with a response. 我都不屑于对此做出反应了。
Yeah, that was the goal, bitch. 没错,这就是我的目的,贱人。
I don't have time for this. 我没空跟你吵架。
I have to find an earring that you lost in one of these thousand cupcakes, bitch! 我得在这一千个小蛋糕里找出你不见的那只耳环,贱人!
The thousand cupcakes that you forgot to tell me about! 是你忘记告诉我要做这一千个小蛋糕!
And the girl code means that when a girl breaks up with someone, 闺蜜法则就是说,当你的闺蜜跟别人分手时,
you don't interfere with their boyfriend, because she needs some distance. 你不会跟她们的男友搅和在一起,因为你的闺蜜想跟他保持距离。
Well, why didn't you tell me that when I asked you 14 hours ago? 那你为什么不在14小时前我问你的时候告诉我?
Hey, Max. I got your text. I'm here to help. 麦克斯,我收到你的短信。我是来帮忙的。
Um, that was a pre-girl-code text. 那条是在闺蜜法则出现前发的。
I thought we maybe needed a backup after Earl passed out and I made Han cry. 在厄尔醉倒,我把小憨憨弄哭后,我觉得我们可能需要个后备帮手。