打工姐妹花第二季 第195期:敞开心扉(在线收听

 Andy, on the list of things I feel guilty about in life, 安迪,在我人生中内疚之事的榜单里

calling you to help in the middle of the night is number two. 半夜叫你来帮忙这件事排名第二。
It would be number one if I hadn't pushed that girl down the stairs to get into the 98 degrees concert before her. 本来能荣登榜首,但榜首是那个我因为想更早进入98度乐队的音乐会,而被我推下楼梯的女生。
Well, it was 98 degrees. People had to die. 那可是98度啊。人必需得死啊。
Okay, let's stop all this joking and get down to why I really came here. 好了,别装没事开玩笑了,认真说说我来这里的真正原因吧。
Come on, Caroline, love me. 求你了,卡洛琳,爱我吧。
Did you just say, "Caroline, love me"? 你刚是说,"卡洛琳,爱我吧"吗?
No, I said, "Caroline, glove me." what kind of loser would say, "Love me"? Unless you do. 不,我是说,"卡洛琳,套我吧",要多卑微才会求人说"爱我吧"?除非你真爱我。
So how you doing? 你过得怎么样?
I'm okay. A little tired. 还行。就是有点累。
You know, I've been thinking about you a lot. 我最近常常想起你。
Pretty much all the time since we broke up. 自从我们分手后我一直在想你。
Um, maybe I overreacted to your whole obsession with work thing, you know? 或许我对你沉迷于工作这件事有点反应过激。
Well, you are here at 4:00 A.M. 你之所以凌晨4点还在这里。
'cause I needed help making 1,000 cupcakes in four hours. One might call that obsessive. 是因为我得在4小时内做出一千个小蛋糕。或许有人会称其为"沉迷"。
One might. Or pretty much everyone might. 有人会。又或者人人都会这么说。
And, Andy, just know that even though it didn't work out, I do glove you. 安迪,即使深知我们之间不可能了,但我真的"套"你。
I glove you too. 我也"套"你。
Now, get the cupcakes out before they burn. 现在赶紧在烤糊之前,把小蛋糕都拿出来。
I don't have the energy to do this all again. 我没有精力再重做一遍。
Ah, there's the girl I broke up with. 我甩了的工作狂女友现身了。
Everything's ready to go out there. 外面一切东西都准备好了
I've had my hands in more boxes tonight than a gynecologist at a free clinic. 我的手今晚进过的箱子比免费诊所妇科医生的手进过的阴道还多。
It's not that funny. 没这么好笑吧。
Stay up another 27 hours, it'll be the funniest damn thing you ever heard. 等你27个小时不睡觉,这会是你这辈子听过最好笑的一句话。