《摩登家庭》第1季第8集 第10期:寸步难行(在线收听

 Right. Here's a track. Wasn't so popular in America. 好了  这首歌  在美国不怎么流行

Got to number six on the Netherlands charts though. 但在荷兰登上过排行榜的第六名
That whole summer I couldn't walk to the corner in Amsterdam 那整个夏天  我在阿姆斯特丹简直寸步难行
without mobs of birds coming up 到处都是女歌迷围上来
and asking me for the double bubble. 热情地要和我共饮泡泡鸡尾酒
Okay, just play it, I think. Yeah. 好的  快开始吧
He's- He's awesome, honey. 他  他太棒了  亲爱的
You're welcome. 不客气
*Tonight* *今夜*
*So right* *良宵*
*So right* *良宵*
*Lover* *爱人*
Hey, Phil, I think your lover wants a kiss from you. 菲尔  你的爱人在等你的吻呢
Oh. Okay. 好的
Oh, come on, man. She's not your sister. 拜托  老兄  别像亲吻妹妹那样
Give her a proper snog. 快深情长吻一个
You all right? 你没事吧
That's a bad joke. Not funny. 刚刚那玩笑开得不好  不好笑
My sister lost her feet to complications from diabetes. 我妹妹因为糖尿病并发症失去了一条腿
Okay. Can I get you some water there, guy, or- 我给你倒杯水吧  伙计
Yeah.  You got tea? 是啊  有茶吗
Yes, of course. I'll get that.  Chamomile. 有的  我去倒  要甘菊的
You don't miss a minute.  Okay. 你好好享受就行  好的