《摩登家庭》第1季第8集 第12期:萌得流眼泪(在线收听

 Hey. What are you guys doing? 嘿  你俩干嘛呢

He let me touch it! 他允许我摸这把吉他
Yeah, I think she said "kill," Cam. I do. 她说了"弄死"  真的
Maybe it was just a joke. She's always had a dark sense of humor. 也许是开玩笑的  她一直都挺黑色幽默的
That's true. Remember her Halloween costume? 那倒是  还记得她的万圣节装束吗
When she came as Siegfried and part of Roy. 她扮成齐格弗里德和罗伊的结合体
It was too soon. - Yeah. Yeah. This was just a joke. 才不久的事情  -对对  就是个玩笑
Yes. Yeah. Here she comes. 对  好了她来了
Look, I'm gonna bring up Lily. We'll see what she says. 这样吧  我提一下莉莉  看她什么反应
Show her some pictures. - Pay up, bitches. 给她看点照片  -付钱吧  小妞们
Whoa. More drinks. 又端酒过来了
Free drinks. 免费的哟
Sal, you've got to look at these pictures. - What are they? 萨尔  你得看看这些照片  -是什么
It's Lily at the zoo. - Oh, cute. 莉莉在动物园  -真可爱
Look at that one. - Cute! Cute. Cutie, cutie, cute, et cetera. 看这张  -萌死了萌翻了萌得要流泪
So you guys are gonna have to bring Lily to Cabo, 你们得带莉莉去卡波
now that you're the guys that always bring Lily? 反正你们走哪儿都带着她
 Well, you know- - Yeah, probably. 这个嘛  -行吧
I will throw her in the ocean. - What? 我要把她丢进大海里  -什么
I said I gotta go pee. 我说我要去尿尿了
- Okay, that wasn't even close. - Nope. -行了  这回不是我们听错了  -绝对不是