《摩登家庭》第1季第9集 第1期:奇怪的儿子(在线收听

 Do we know anything? 有消息了吗

No. They're in there now with the doctor. 没  医生正在里面诊断
We're lucky though. 不过已经是万幸了
The paramedics said it could have been a lot worse. 急救员说完全有可能比现在的情况严重的多
My God, how did this even happen? 老天  怎么会发生这种事
There he is. Big day's coming up. 儿子来了  大日子快到了哦
What do you want for your birthday, big dog? 你生日想要什么样的礼物  小狗娃
It's okay. I'm good. 没事的  我不想要
Come on. Sky's the limit. 来嘛  除了上天什么都行
Dream big, my boy. 狮子大开口吧  儿子
Well, I guess I could use a belt. - A belt? 我觉得送我一条皮带挺好的  -皮带
Yeah, you're right. I don't need it. 是啊  你说的对  我根本不需要
Extension cord works pretty good. 天线延长线用着也挺顺手的
Every year, Luke's birthday falls right around Thanksgiving, 每年卢克的生日都在感恩节附近
and so it gets lost in the holiday shuffle. 所以大家都忙着准备过节了
One year we forgot completely, 有一年我们彻底忘到九霄云外了
and we had to improvise a cake of stuffing. 只好用火鸡填料临时做了个蛋糕
Which, by the way, he was fine with. 说一下  他一点都不介意
He's one of those kids, 他是那种古怪孩子
you get him a gift and all he wants to do is play with the box. 你送他一份礼物  他却只想着玩盒子
Yeah, one year we actually just got him a box, 是啊  有一年我们直接送他一个盒子
a really nice box. 一个非常漂亮的盒子
And we made the mistake of putting it in a gift bag. 但我们犯了个错  将之放进了礼品袋
So he played with the gift bag. 所以他就玩起了礼品袋
We can't get it right. - No. 我们怎么都做不对  -做不对
I feel terrible. We gotta do something. - Oh, yeah. 我觉得很愧疚  我们得做点什么  -是啊
You know, the family is gonna be together for Thanksgiving... 话说  家人们准备趁感恩节来个
for the first time in I don't even know how long. 大团圆聚会  我不知道会持续多久