《摩登家庭》第1季第9集 第10期:真命天女(在线收听

 Mind if I come in? 介意我也进来吗

Sure. 来吧
Come here. 过来
Why you bounce so sad? - I told all my jokes. 你怎么蹦得那么不开心  -我说尽了笑话
It turns out I'm not the funny guy. 事实证明我不是搞笑男
The right girl will find you when it's time, 时候到了  真命天女自然会降临
even though I'm gonna hate losing you to another woman. 尽管把你交给另外一个女人会让我很失落
You'll never lose me, Mom. 我不会娶了媳妇忘了娘的
I'll always love you, no matter what. 我会永远爱你的  无论发生任何事
Ay, chiquitn. 哎呀真乖
You see? Right there. 瞧  刚刚说的多好
You need no tricks. 你根本不需要什么泡妞技巧
Just be the sweet, wonderful little boy that you are. 只要表现出贴心可爱的  真实的你就好了
Sweet little boy. Got it. 可爱的小男孩  懂了
She won't know what hit her. - Vaya para all! 她会被我迷得神魂颠倒的  -加油加油
Hey, Manny, wanna make a sweet comb sheath? 嘿  曼尼  想做过可爱的梳套吗
Could not be a worse time, Claire. 现在真不是时候  克莱尔
Oh. It's so peaceful and quiet over here. 哦  这边真是安静又冷清啊
Ha-ha. If you came over here to gloat, 哈  哈  如果你是来幸灾乐祸的
I already know it's a dud. 我已经知道这很无聊了
Actually, I came to give you this. 实际上  我是来给你送这个的
It's your favorite flavor- blue. 是你最喜欢的口味  蓝色冰恋
Thanks, honey. 谢谢  亲爱的