《摩登家庭》第1季第10集 第6期:空间是腾出来的(在线收听

 Three, two, one. 三  二  一

Okay. Good-bye, Dunphy Christmas. 好吧  再见  邓菲家的圣诞节
Haley, I guess you're not getting that car. 海莉  我估计你拿不到新车做礼物了
I was getting a car? Nope. 我能得到新车作为礼物吗 不会了
I was lying, because that's what we do now. 我撒谎的  因为现在就流行撒谎
Dunphys are liars. 邓菲一家人都是撒谎精
When I was in charge, it was all about the music. 我当老大的时候  一切都以音乐为中心
I mean, what's with them tossing out candy canes after every carol? 为什么他们要在唱完歌后  把拐杖糖扔给观众
It's pandering. I think you 就是为了迎合  我认为你
made that clear when you tossed them back. 把糖又扔回去  已经表明了你的反感
How am I supposed to get all this in the car? 我怎样才能把这些东西都放进车里啊
Let me give you a hand with that. - Uh, thanks. 我来帮帮你们吧  -谢谢
Thanks. Thanks, Santa. - Can't call me that anymore. 谢谢  圣诞老人  -别再那么叫了
Just got canned. 我刚被炒鱿鱼了
Oh- really? 真的吗
Guess a couple people complained I wasn't fat enough. 估计是有一些人投诉  说我不够胖
Well, that's terrible. 那可真糟糕  
That's what I get for trying not to have a second heart attack. 我不想过胖又引发心脏病  现在就这下场
There you go. Always a way to make room. 行了  空间总是能腾出来的
Take it from someone who lives in his car. 我作为住在车里的人  给你们的箴言
Oh, well, thank you so much. 那个  非常感谢你
No problem. Merry Christmas. 没事儿  圣诞快乐