乔布斯传 第503期:iPod(3)(在线收听

 Tony Fadell was a brash entrepreneurial programmer 托尼·法德尔是一个傲慢的程序设计师,也是一个创业者,

with a cyberpunk look and an engaging smile who had started three companies while still at the University of Michigan. 他喜欢打扮成赛博朋克的造型,却总是面带迷人的微笑,当他还是密歇根大学学生的时候,就已经创立了三家公司。
He had gone to work at the handheld device maker General Magic (where he met Apple refugees Andy Hertzfeld and Bill Atkinson), 他曾在一家制造手提设备的公司通用魔力工作,在那里他结识了曾经逃出苹果的安迪·赫茨菲尔德和比尔·阿特金森,
and then spent some awkward time at Philips Electronics, 接着他还在飞利浦电子混迹了一段日子,
where he bucked the staid culture with his short bleached hair and rebellious style. 那时他为了抵制保守古板的文化而留着漂白的短发,打扮成反叛者的造型。
He had come up with some ideas for creating a better digital music player, 后来,他想出了一些关于制造更好的数字音乐播放器的点子,
which he had shopped around unsuccessfully to RealNetworks, Sony, and Philips. 他走遍了里尔网络,索尼和飞利浦推销他的创意,但没有人买账。
One day he was in Colorado, skiing with an uncle, and his cell phone rang while he was riding on the chairlift. 一天,他到科罗拉多州的范尔去和他的叔叔滑雪,正坐在升降机上的时候,手机响了。
It was Rubinstein, who told him that Apple was looking for someone who could work on a "small electronic device." 电话是鲁宾斯坦打来的,他说苹果公司正在寻找一个能制造“小型电子设备”的人。
Fadell, not lacking in confidence, boasted that he was a wizard at making such devices. 法德尔丝毫没有胆怯,他信心十足地说,自己绝对是制造这种设备的天才。
Rubinstein invited him to Cupertino. 鲁宾斯坦便邀请他前往库比蒂诺。