《摩登家庭》第1季第12集 第10期:助人为乐上瘾症(在线收听

 Stop. You're getting all this from "Something house something"? 停  你从一句"房子什么的"就推断出这么多吗

Let's just call Gloria and have her deal with it, okay? 我们打电话让歌洛莉亚来处理它吧
"Lt" Is a human being, Mitchell. "它"可是个人啊  米奇尔
Named Caesar Salad.  Okay. 名叫"凯撒沙拉"  好吧
What's going on with you? - Cam, you- you always do this. 你是怎么回事  -小卡  你老是这样
It's like you're incapable of hearing anyone's sad story... 你每次都喜欢听别人的伤心事
without making it your job to fix it. 然后再热心地去帮助他们
And then, my needs- my needs come second. 而我的需求  总被你排在第二位
Your needs right now... 你现在的需求
are a puppet show. 不过是场木偶秀
This man could have lost his brother in a cable car accident. 那个男人的哥哥可能丧生于缆车事故
You understood "Casa." 你不过是听懂了一个"房子"
Okay, fine. If it'll prove to you... 好吧  行  如果能向你证明
that I'm not the obsessive helpaholic that you make me out to be, 我并未患有你口中说的那种"助人为乐上瘾症"
let's go to the puppet show. 我们就去看木偶秀吧
Cam. Let's go. 小卡  走呀
I think this has something to do with the gardener. 我觉得她肯定是来找园丁的
You think? 你觉得?
Just down the hall to the right. - Ay. Gracias, gracias. 走到走廊尽头向右转  谢谢  谢谢
Perdn. - In there. Okay. 不好意思  他在里面
Okay, let's go.  No, please. 好了  走吧  不  算了
I know it's killing you 我知道你内心煎熬的要死
not to get back there in the middle of that. 不能跟进去搀和一脚
Oh, no, no, no, no. We are going. 不不不不  我们一定要去
These folks can find their own way out. 那些人闹完了自然会出去的