《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第13期:出色的女人(在线收听

 She cut that guy off. She's a terrible driver. 是她撞的那个司机  她驾驶技术超烂

-She's a danger to us all. -Okay, wait. Now stop. -她是马路杀手  -慢点慢点
I thought she said he was parked and then he cut her off. 她不是说她的车是停着的  他撞了她吗
Everybody looks parked when you're going a hundred miles an hour. 时速100英里  你看所有的车都是停着的
Manny, why didn't you speak up? 曼尼  你之前为什么不说
She can't take criticism about her driving. 她受不了别人批评她的驾驶技术
Once an old lady yelled at her at a crosswalk. 有次一个老太太在十字路口冲她嚷嚷
She honked so long, the horn ran out. 她就一直鸣喇叭  最后喇叭都不响了
Manny! 曼尼
I've said too much already. 我已经透露得太多了
Are you hearing this? 你听见了吗
- Aw, that's  - Point. -我靠  -得分
Hinder! 妨碍
Lucky shot! 你走狗屎运
That is game and, I believe, match. 游戏结束  胜负分晓
Yeah, fine, you won. But, you know, what do you expect? 好吧好吧  你赢了  但也难怪
For the first half of the game, 上半场的时候
I was distracted by what happened in the locker room. 之前的更衣室事件  让我有些分心
And you're sure it's not because I'm a fabulous racquetball player? 你确定不是因为我打得很赞吗
You're average. But I was a little thrown by you touching me. 你就一般水平  我心里一直纠结你碰了我
Which is unnatural. Not to you, of course. 很让人反感  但你肯定不觉得
No, to you it's like rocket fuel. 你肯定觉得很爽
Oh, sure. When you're gay you just walk around 噢  是啊  基佬就"喜欢"到处
giving butt bumps to everybody. 用屁股碰别人