《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第19期:不肯面对自己(在线收听

 Maybe it was just, like, a little bit my fault. 也许我是要  负那么一点点责任

Well, I'm glad you can admit that, Gloria. 你能承认  挺好的
But I'm still gonna need you as my lawyer, Mitch. 但我还是想让你当我的律师  米奇
-Why?  -Because this one -为什么  -因为眼前的惨剧
It was not my fault, I promise you. 完全不关我的事  我保证
That's what that sound was. 原来那巨响是这个啊
It was the big cupcake. 都是这蛋糕招牌的错
That was unreal. Mom was crazy. 简直难以置信  老妈疯了
I'm scared. 我好怕怕
Look. I know your mom pretty well. She's fine. 听着  我了解你妈这个人  她没事的
I'd be willing to bet she's just composing herself, 我猜她现在在努力控制情绪呢
taking a nice, long, peaceful walk in the park. 在公园里静静散步呢
Perfect. 好极了
At that moment all I wanted was to be with my family. 那会儿我只想回家
But of course, that meant finding a way to apologize... 但回去肯定要想办法道歉
to the people that I had belittled and rejected. 我说话太重  伤了他们
Okay, you are so crazy. That song totally rules. 你乱说啥呢  那歌多好听啊
-Daddy, you're crazy. -Crazy right. -老爸  你才乱说呢  -明明很有道理