《摩登家庭》第1季第14集 第20期:死缠烂打的男朋友(在线收听

 -Hey, honey. -Hi. -嘿  宝贝  -嗨

Hey, Mom. Come on. Sit down. 嘿  老妈  来坐啊
No, seriously, Dad. It's lame. 真的  老爸  烂透了
Seriously, Luke. It's not. 真的  卢克  不烂
You got some mustard or something on your face. 你脸上有芥末还是什么的
I think I know a little bit about music. 关于音乐我还是懂点的
I was a DJ in college. 读大学时我还当过DJ呢
I had my own show in the coveted time slot. 拥有一档在黄金时间播放的节目
-Daybreak with Dunphy. -Are you kidding me? -与邓菲一起等待黎明  -真的假的
No, I'm not kidding you. And I played Rick Astley. 骗你干啥  我播瑞克·艾斯里的歌哦
-Dad, that's embarrassing. -Never gonna give, Sing it, Luke. -老爸  你囧死我了  -绝不放弃  卢克  跟着唱啊
They could have been petty. 他们原本大可以记恨我
They really could have made me pay, but they didn't. 他们大可以为难我  但他们没有
Never loved 'em more. 爱死他们了
Why the hell couldn't Valerie have seen them like that? 为毛瓦莱丽就看不到他们的这一面呢
Hey, Dylan. 嘿  迪兰
Hey, Mr. Dunphy. 你好  邓菲先生
What's happening? 你干啥呢
Well, Haley and I got into another fight. 海莉又跟我闹了