《摩登家庭》第1季第15集 第14期:傻瓜青年(在线收听

 And this is what's wrong with the world today. 这就是当今世界的不公平

The big guy... 大块头
thinks that he can roll right over the little guy... 自以为能凌驾于小家伙之上
until the little guy says, "Enough." 直到小家伙说"够了"
And that's what this little guy's doing- 而那正是这位小家伙要做的
right here, right now. 就在此时  此刻
Can we stop calling me "Little guy"? I'm in the 40th percentile. 能别再叫我"小家伙"了吗  我还不算矮的呢
Shh. I got this. 嘘  看我的吧
Ted Durkas clearly did not write that poem. 泰德·德卡斯  显然没有写那首诗
I know it. He knows it. 我清楚  他心里也清楚
Deep down in your heart, Fiona- 你好好问问自己  菲奥娜
You know it too. 你一定也清楚
Shame! 可耻啊
Fine! Whatever. I stole his stupid poem. 好吧  随便了  我是偷了他的傻逼诗
- You did? - I told you. -你偷的  -我就说嘛
There you go. 认罪吧
I only did it because I had the feelings, 我这么做  是因为我有此深情
I just didn't know how to show 'em. 我只是不知道如何向你表达
Really? That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me. 真的吗  从来没人对我做如此甜蜜的事
You've gotta be kidding me. 开什么玩笑啊
- Let's get out of here. This chick's crazy. - Seriously. -走吧  这妞儿是个二逼青年  -绝对的
I've never seen you like that. 我从没见过你如此霸气啊
You have no idea how good that felt. 你无法想象那种感觉有多爽