《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第10期:所爱之物都离去(在线收听

 - Did you just lose my truck? - No. -你把我的车弄丢了吗  -没有

- You just lost my truck! - No, I didn't! -你把我的车弄丢了  -我没有
That was my truck! Grandpa just gave it to me! 那是我的车  外公才送给我的
- I told you to stay in the present! - Stop yelling! -跟你说了要时刻注意着的  -别吼我
- Truce? - Yeah. Sorry. -休战  -好的  抱歉
This is delicious. 真美味
Oh. Thank you. 谢谢
The recipe's from the now-defunct Gourmet magazine. 食谱来自《已故美食家》杂志
Why do all the things I love go away? 为何我所爱之物都要离我而去
Look, I don't even think she said the "M" Word. 听我说  我觉得她没说那个词
No, we heard it. It was clear as day. 不  我们听到了  再清楚不过了
I- I just don't know what we've done wrong. 我不知道我们做错了什么
I quit my job so I could stay at home with her. 我特地辞职在家里带她
But maybe it's not enough. 也许这还不够
Maybe we're not providing her 也许我们没能满足
with the feminine energy that she needs. 她需要的女性气息
Yeah, I wouldn't be too concerned about that. 那个  我觉得你不必太放在心上
You- You know it's because you're Asian, right? 你知道这是因为你是亚洲人  对吧
- Cam. - No, I'm sorry. What? -小卡  -不  抱歉  什么、
Am I just supposed to ignore the giant panda in the room? 我应该对房间里的"大熊猫"视而不见吗