《摩登家庭》第1季第16集 第12期:亚洲气息(在线收听

 Pandas are from China. I- Well, it doesn't matter. 熊猫是中国的  而我...算了

Okay, okay. I think what my hysterical partner 好吧  我这位歇斯底里的伴侣
is just trying to say, if I may, 是想说  我就替你说了
that for the first six months of her life, 莉莉生命的前六个月里
Lily was raised by very loving Asian women, in an orphanage, 是在孤儿院由一位热心的亚洲女性抚养
with whom she clearly bonded. 她和莉莉的感情很深
And then suddenly you come in with all of your Asian-ness... 然后你带着你的亚洲气息来了
and-and-and breasts and womb, lady bits- 以及胸部  子宫  女性特征
and it all just comes rushing back to her, and I- 唤起了她的回忆  我...
You guys are overreacting. 你们真的是反应过度了
I'm sure Lily just strung a couple of random syllables together, 莉莉肯定只是随意发出了两个音节
and they happen to sound something like that word. 听起来刚好像那个词而已
But that's all. 仅此而已
- Do you really think that? - Of course. -你真的这么想吗  -当然
She's right. She's right. 她说的对  她说的对 
We're being ridiculous. 我们太可笑了
We're being ridiculous. 我们太可笑了
Your daddies are being ridiculous. 你的爸爸们很可笑哦
Mommy. 妈咪
Okay. Well- 好吧
- Mr. Tucker  - No, no, no. -塔克先生  -不不不
She's made her choice! She's made her choice. 她做出了决定  她要个妈妈