《摩登家庭》第1季第17集 第11期:反省自己(在线收听

 Seriously, you go right ahead. 真的  赶紧把他带走吧

No! I like it here! 不行  我喜欢这个家
Alex, honey, will you go find out what's wrong with your brother? 艾丽克斯  宝贝  看看你弟弟怎么了
Okay. 遵命
You know, um, if it's okay, I think I'm just gonna use the, um- 如果可以的话  我想去一下
Oh, yeah. Of course. Down the hall. 当然可以  走廊尽头就是
- Left-hand side. You can't miss it. - Thanks. -就在左手边  很容易找到  -谢谢
- Okay, she's fantastic. -Yes? -我承认她人很棒  -是吗
Yes. I feel awful. 是  我好愧疚
When did I become this horribly cynical person... 什么时候起  我变得这么刻薄
who assumes the worst about people? 把别人都往坏处想
I first noticed it seven years- You're not. 其实7年前我就发现...你才不是那种人
Such an idiot. Is it- 我太笨了  请问
- Oh, I'll show you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay. Thanks. -我带你过去  没关系的  -谢谢
So how are we gonna do this? 我们要怎么做
I thought I'd just point at the door. 我以为只要给你指一下门
- So I was thinking - I was thinking too. -所以我只想着  -我也是这么想的
Here... is my hotel room key. 这个  是我酒店的房卡
You can come by whenever you want. 随时欢迎你