《摩登家庭》第1季第17集 第17期:辞职后遗症(在线收听

 - You quit? - It was amazing. -你辞职了  -感觉太棒了

No, no. This is the new me, Cam. 在你眼前的是一个全新的我  小卡
I am not letting people run my life anymore. 我再也不会让别人主宰我的生活
I should be nervous, but I'm not. I'm excited for you. 我应该紧张才对  但我反而为你激动
Yes! It's exciting! It's exciting. 没错  这太令人激动了  太激动了
Because you followed your heart, and that is worth celebrating. 你听从了自己内心的想法  值得庆祝
Cam, I just feel- 小卡  我觉得自己
so liberated. 彻底解放了
And I'm not picking it up. 我不会去捡起来的
- I like this guy. - I do too. -我喜欢你这样  -我也是
Yes, we'll have to cut back a little bit. 当然  我们以后要节俭一些
But isn't it worth it if you feel 但这值得  不是吗
like you're living your life for the first time? 第一次为自己而活
- Totally. - What were we even waiting for? -太值得了  -那我们还等什么
You will go back to teaching music, 你重操旧业  当音乐老师
and then I'll just find something in a... few months. 我休息几个月  再找一份工作
And until then, all we need to do is just sit back... 在那之前  我们只管坐下来
and watch this little miracle here dazzle us. 看着我们的小千金快乐成长
- I'm tingling. - I am too. -我好激动  -我也是
It's like my heart is full for the first time in forever. 我的心似乎从没这么充实过
Oh, God, it's really pounding. 老天  心跳得好快
It's like I feel the weight of 我能感受到
endless possibilities just sitting on my chest- 我的胸口充满了一切可能
She is not doing anything, Cam. 她什么表现都没有  小卡
You're not panicking, are you? 你不是慌乱了吧
- Of course I am panicking. - No. Don't panic. -我当然慌乱了  -你别慌乱
If you panic, I panic! 你一乱  我也乱