《摩登家庭》第1季第17集 第18期:小孩子记性很差(在线收听

 I just quit my job. Cam! My God. 我刚辞职了  小卡  老天啊

Mitchell, I am used to nice things. 米奇尔  我过惯了好日子
What are we gonna do? 以后要怎么办
Okay. No, no. Just calm down. 别慌  镇定下来
This is what we're gonna do. 我来规划一下该怎么办
I am going to- I'm gonna do what I'm trained to do. 我要  我要用我的看家本领
I am going to lie, grovel, debase myself 为达目的不惜说谎  
until I get what I want. 卑躬屈膝  自我贬低
I am a lawyer, damn it. 我可是律师  妈的
Mitchell! 米奇尔
No. 不要
Oh, no, you're right. The tie. 提醒的好  忘了打领带
No. We'll find something better for you, 我是说  我们一定能找到更合适你
something that works for all of us. 而且对大家都好的办法
There's no Plan "B" here, Cam. 没有备用方案的  小卡
We have a mortgage. We have- We have a child to support. 我们要还房贷  还要养个孩子
Hey, it's gonna be okay. 一切都会好的
We're gonna figure it out. 我们肯定有办法
I just want you to be happy, and you will be happy. 我只希望你开心  你一定会开心的
And that is something worth toasting. 这才是值得庆祝的事
Let's just drink the cheap stuff, 喝那个便宜的吧
'cause we might have to sell that bottle. 那瓶贵的我们转手卖掉吧
It's hard to sleep in a bed of lies. 说谎太多容易失眠
Isn't it, Jay? 对不对  杰
Kids get over these things pretty quick. 小孩记性很差
He's probably sleeping like a baby right now. 没准他现在像婴儿一样熟睡呢
I'm sure he's wide awake, full of guilt. 他肯定是清醒着的  满心愧疚 