《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第6期:好兄弟(在线收听

 - So how do I start? -What do you think? -我该如何开始呢  -你觉得呢

I don't know. Mom usually tells me what to do. 我不知道  通常都是妈妈告诉我怎么做
Join the club. I'm kidding. I love your mom. 彼此彼此  我开玩笑的  我爱你妈
We are going to try a new approach this time. 我们今天换个新的学习方法
Now, your goal is to create a display 听好  你的目标是要创建一个
about the life and art of Van Gogh, right? 关于梵高的生平和作品的展板  对吧
- Yeah. - Okay. You got your poster board right here. -是啊  -好的  你的展示板在此
So, pretend you're telling the story of his life... 现在  就假装你是在叙述他的生平
to someone who has never heard of him. 而听众是从未听说过他的人
What do you put on that board? 你会在展板上放些什么
I see the wheels spinning. A spark of crea- 我看见你的脑筋在转动  创意的火花
How do they get the lead in pencils? 他们是怎么把铅锌放进铅笔里的
Ok, Let's try to stay on topic. 好了  别跑题
Hey, Jay. Look who thinks 嘿  杰  瞧瞧谁认为
Mercury is the densest planet in the solar system. 水星是太阳系中密度最大的行星
I take it from your mocking tone that I am incorrect. 从你嘲笑的语气中  我就知道我说错了
Densest planet is Earth. 密度最大的行星是地球
Which makes you the densest guy on the densest planet. 那你就是密度最大的星球上最愚钝的人
- Zing! -Fine. -中枪  -好吧
You sure Mitchell won't mind me tagging along? 你确定米奇尔不建议我跟着去吗
Are you kidding? He loves ya. 开什么玩笑  他很爱你的  
What are you worried about? 你在担心什么
I've never had a brother before. 我以前从来没有过兄弟
We never really hung out that much. 我和他一起相处的时间也不多