《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第8期:遇上黄鼠狼(在线收听

 All it took was a little bit of focus and, uh- 只需要一点专注就做到了

This thing is really loose. 这玩意儿真松了  
I'm gonna go grab a screwdriver. But you run with this. 我去拿把螺丝起子  你继续弄这个
On your mark, get set, Van Gogh. 各就各位  预备开始  小梵高
Hey, Dad. He kind of looks like Uncle Mitchell, 嘿  爸  他长得有点像米奇尔舅舅
if Uncle Mitchell were insane. 如果米奇尔舅舅是疯子的话
I got sprayed by a skunk! 我被黄鼠狼的臭液喷到了
Oh, you stink! 你臭死了
And not just at astronomy! Blammo! 不仅是在天文学方面很"臭"  攻击成功
What is happening? 是怎么回事啊
I love this place. 我爱这地方
I was a little bit worried because it's not exactly- 我有点担心  因为这并不是...
I... love... this place. 我  爱  这地方
I... was... nervous. 我  很  紧张
I mean, there was a lot of different food on the menu, 我是说  菜单上有很多不同的食物
and on the floor, and on the wall. 地上也有  墙上也有
Are we sure we're not exaggerating just a little bit? 你确定你的话没有任何一点夸张吗
Were you there, Mitchell? 你当时在现场吗  米奇
Because I think I would have recognized 如果你在  我肯定能认得出当场
the only other white or gay person. 除我之外的唯一一个白人或同志
I'd already offended Gloria once. 我已经冒犯过歌洛莉亚一次了  
Not gonna do it again. 不能再有第二次了