《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第10期:如吞下太阳般的辣(在线收听

 You sure, Dad? 你确定吗  老爸

You're not worried I might stink up the blanket? 你不担心我会把毛毯弄臭吗
Don't worry about it. 别担心
We just use it to cover up the seat 那是我们用来铺在车座上的
for when Manny's all sweaty after his tango class. 曼尼练完探戈会汗淋淋的要隔一下
If you don't sweat, you're not doing it right. 如果你没出汗  就说明你练得不对
He was one of the best boyfriends I ever had. 他是我曾拥有的最佳男友之一
- But he was gay. - Yeah. -但他是同性恋  -是啊
I figured that out after the first month- 我第一个月后就察觉出来了
And I stayed for a whole year 但我跟他继续谈了一年
because the haircuts were fantastic! 因为他剪的发型超赞
It's funny, huh? 很好笑吧
Cameron, that one is not that funny. 卡梅隆  也没那么好笑吧
- Are you okay? - I'm fine. -你没事吧  -我没事
- Are you sure? - I love this place. -你确定吗  -我喜欢这地方
But your head is running water. 但你头上汗如雨下
No, I don't think it is. 不  你大概看错了
I told you it was too spicy for you. Look at your shirt. 我就说对你太辣了吧  你的衬衫都汗湿了
- I just need to get a bit of a drink of something. - No, no, no! -我得去喝点东西缓解一下  -不不
Cameron, the water makes it so worse. No! 卡梅隆  喝水只会辣上加辣  不要
Oh, you're right. That does make it worse. 你说的对  真是辣上加辣了
Oh- I feel like I ate the sun! 我感觉就像是吞下了火辣的太阳