《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第12期:后悔买了贵裙子(在线收听

 - Breathe. - Breathing only makes the fire spread. -快吸气  -吸气只会让"火"烧得更旺

Okay. Then drink this milk. 好吧  那就喝了这瓶牛奶
Ay, Cam. Why did you have to order that spicy dish? 小卡  你为什么要点那道辣菜
Because I'm, um, a big idiot... 因为  我  我是个大白痴
and I wanted to have this awesome night between the two of us... 我希望你我二人能度过一个美好的夜晚
where we end up best friends, 然后我们变成好闺蜜  
uh, having lunch, buying shoes. 一起出去吃饭  买鞋
Okay! Let's go have lunch, let's go buy shoes. 好啊  我们一起去吃饭  买鞋吧
- Really? - Yeah. Why are you so surprised? -真的吗  -是啊  你为什么这么惊讶
Well, I don't know. I guess i just always 我不知道  我总觉得 
feel like I blow it with you, Gloria 我把我们之间的关系搞砸了  歌洛莉亚
whether it's the Columbian comment... 不管是针对哥伦比亚的那些话
or picking the wrong restaurant. 还是选错了餐馆
The restaurant had nothing to do with you. 餐馆那事可不是你的错
I was just not in the mood to go anywhere that fancy... 我只是没心情去那么高级的地方
after the stupid thing I did this morning. 因为我今早干了一件蠢事
What did you do? 你干什么了
- I bought a dress. - You monster. -我买了件裙子  -你个女魔头
Ay. It was a very expensive dress that I don't need. 那是件超贵的裙子  其实我根本就不需要
I felt so stupid that when I got home, 我回到家的时候觉得自己好愚蠢
I couldn't even bring it inside the house. 我都不想把它拿回家