《摩登家庭》第1季第18集 第16期:小瞧了儿子(在线收听

 The hardest part is, he kinda takes after me with all this. 最艰难的是  他这些毛病都是跟我学的

Like my lack of focus and your- 比如我做事缺乏专注以及你的...
- My what? - I just love you. -我的什么  -我好爱你
I did it. 我完成了
Oh, my God. 噢  老天啊
Do you like it? 你们喜欢吗
I-I- I love it. 我  我超爱的
- Did you do this? -All him. -是你帮忙的吗  -都是他一手做的
I used Mr. Potato Head ears 我用上了土豆娃娃的耳朵  
because Van Gogh cut his ear off. 因为梵高曾自割耳朵
And there's money 上面还贴着钱
because his paintings sell for, like, a bajillion dollars, 因为他的画现在卖到天文数字般的价格
which is sad because he died broke. 那很可悲  因为他死时身无分文
Yes. That- 是啊  那...
- You were right. -Don't apologize. -你是对的  -不用道歉
- I'm not apologizing. -Apology accepted. -我不是在道歉  -接受你的道歉了
Luke, I-I really couldn't be more proud of you, 卢克  我真的好为你骄傲
and I am so sorry I didn't give you more credit. 我很抱歉之前看扁你了
- Thanks. - Way to go, buddy. -谢谢  -真棒  老弟
Gotta go finish the cupcakes. 得去把纸杯蛋糕做完
No. She didn't. 不  她不是吧
- Sweetie, can you hand me those? - Uh-huh. -亲爱的   把那个递给我好吗  -嗯哼
Yeah, I can talk. 是啊  我可以聊的