《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第7期:苹果抢先族(在线收听

 Let me see it! 让我看看

No! Your party's not until tonight. 不行  派对要晚上才开始呢
You're just gonna have to wait. 你得等等
Just let me see the bag. Did you leave it in the car? 让我看看包装袋嘛  留在车里了吗
- Yeah! - Hey, who'd you deal with? -对啊  -谁招待你的
Was it a guy named Mehar? They call him "The beast." 是叫莫哈吗  他们管他叫"兽男"
He's a tiny guy. He must've move a ton of product. 矮个子  他肯定忙着疯狂搬货
I kinda love that you're making me wait. 吊胃口哈  我喜欢
You are the best wife ever! 你是史上最棒老婆啦
You are the best wife ever! 史上最棒  绝对的
I didn't get you the iPad. 我没买到iPad
I got to the store and they were all out. 我到的时候已经卖光了
I'm so sorry. 真对不起
I don't understand. My online buddies got it. 我不懂  我网友都买到了
SAT800 and Brobot didn't get there until 8:00. 高考落榜君和机器兄8点才到店里
And you definitely got there before they did, 你肯定比他们早
because you got there at 6:30. 你不是六点半就去了
No, no, no! You didn't get there at 6:30? Where were you? 不不不  你没早去吗  你上哪去了
I set the alarm for 5:00. 我闹钟定了五点的
I got up, I came downstairs, I fell asleep. 起床下楼  结果又睡着了
No! Oh, my goodness. 不要啊  老天爷
What have I done? What have I done? 我做了什么  我做了什么
- I should've done this myself. - Sweetie, you know what? -我该自己去的  -亲爱的  没事
They're gonna get more in next week. 下周会补货的呀
Next week? 下周
That's the worst thing you can say to an early adopter. 让抢鲜族等下周  你太残忍了
Where are you going? 你上哪去
To a place where birthdays still mean something. 去找个重视别人生日的地方