《摩登家庭》第1季第19集 第14期:乱糟糟的生日(在线收听

 Luke, honey, hi. What's going on? 卢克  宝贝  怎么了

They guy came with Dad's cake, 老爸的蛋糕送来了
but just so you know, it's missing a piece. 可它缺了一块
- Luke, did you take a bite out of your father's cake? - No. -你偷吃老爸蛋糕了吗  -没啊
- Stop lying, Luke. - I'm not lying. -别撒谎  卢克  -我哪有
By the way, I used your credit card to pay him. 哦对  我用你的卡付了钱
Is that all right? 没问题吧
Oh, no, that's fine. 没问题啊 
Whatever. That's why I left the wallet there. 我把钱包留给你们就是为这个的嘛
Oh, my God. 上帝啊
Oh, my God! 上帝啊
I left the wallet there! I left the wa- 我把钱包留家里了
Your poor father. 你可怜的老爸
All this running around, 我们乱成一团
and he's gonna think nobody cares about him on his birthday. 他肯定以为没人在乎他生日
More cake? 再来点蛋糕吗
Why not, Little Phil? 行啊  小菲尔
I got no place else to go. 反正我也没地儿去
Sir! Sir! Sir, hi. Excuse me. 先生  先生  打扰你了
Um, yes. I know this is highly unusual, 我有点唐突
but I need your help to save a marriage. 但我需要你帮忙  挽救一段婚姻
There is a couple in this neighborhood... 这附近有对夫妇
that is about to get a divorce for a simple misunderstanding. 就因为一个小误会  快要离婚了
Their name is Jake and Debbie. 他们叫杰克和黛比